Trials and tests are least understood by almost all people. All humans will experience trials and tests during their lifetime. The word trial is a general word implying an attempt to find out something or to find out about something by proving, experimenting or testing. Whereas, the word test is a more specific word referring to a trial under approved or fixed conditions.
Trials can occur simply due to circumstances beyond our control, such as accidents caused by Nature or other people. However, trials can also be brought about by malicious or vindictive persons within our families, society, or even by nations such as genocide. Trials can also occur due to poor choices of decisions that were made in haste or not well thought out ahead of time. ( ref. Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes).
However, trials referred to in the Bible are usually ordained or permitted by the Lord God and can be used as a punishment. When Adam and Eve were removed from Eden because of disobedience, all of life became a trial just to survive. When the Hebrews came out of Egypt, because of disobedience they had to spend forty years wandering the desert. Because of disobedience King David, his family and often his whole kingdom suffered trials. Because of disobedience Israel went into bondage ordained by God ( see book of Lamentations, esp. 1:5 )
Tests and testing (least valued) by God are normally for a specific reason and to bring about a specific response, such as Judges 3: 4 (to prove Israel) when God left some of Israel’s enemies in Canaan. The Hebrews were to learn the art of war by engaging their enemies under the direction of God, and then Israel was to conquer the promised land by a specific process ordained by God. ( Deuteronomy 7:1-5 ).
In Romans 5:3, apostle Paul wrote that we are to glory in tribulations. (KJV). One could rightly use the word sufferings. One could almost use word testing. It is imperative to study the context of the scripture in order to gain the intent of the author.
Just as salvation is a gift of grace by our Lord, testing and suffering is also a gift of grace. (2Cor 12:8-10). By testing and suffering we have the opportunity to confirm our devotion to Him and to grow spiritually (Philippians 3:10). Jesus despised the shame of the cross and is now seated beside the Lord God (Heb 12:2). Yeweh will reward us with what is important to Him. (Rom. Chap 8).
Modern day examples of bringing glory to God through trials, testing and suffering are many. One such is Frances Jane Alstyne (nee Crosby 1820-1915), more commonly known as Fanny Crosby. Despite being blind soon after birth, she was an American mission worker, poet, lyricist and composer. More than 8,000 hymns and gospel songs are to her credit with more than 100 million copies printed.
Another present day example is Mrs Joni Eareckson Tada (1949-present). Joni is a quadraplegic due to a diving accident while swimming at age 17. After suffering severe pain and deep depression, she eventually submitted her life fully to Jesus and has become a respected name in the community of Christ. In spite of surgeries due to cancer and other serious issues, Joni and her husband Ken are traveling and speaking publicly declaring the love of God to the whole world. In addition to that, Joni is an author (over 50 books), radio host and founder of Joni and Friends International Disability Center dedicated to the training and counseling for disabled persons. Plus, Joni and Ken founded the world wide ministry Wheels for the World. The ministry collects donated wheelchairs, refurbishes them and then they are shipped anywhere in the world for those in need.
I can see, I can walk, I can hear and I can speak. So, I must ask; What am I doing for Jesus Christ??? There will be NO excuses.
Least utilized may be the most glaring aspect of trials and testing. As believers and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have been given the answer to every one of life’s problems or tests because we have the written Word of God!! (1 Cor. 2:1-16). As believers, we have hope in the promises of God that will not fail. The ungodly have no such hope (1 Peter chap 4).
Jesus said that we are to be salt and light in this world and the world would know that we are His by our love. Jesus said that a lamp is not to be hid under cover, but to shine and be available to all people. He also said that if we are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of us.
If professing Christians truly understand what they have been saved from and what they are saved to, how can we neglect to proclaim this gospel to a lost and dying world destined to an eternity in Hell?
Testing, by God’s grace, permits us to strengthen our faith in Him and to encourage other believers who are being tested. There is no “Lone Ranger” in the Church of Jesus Christ; this is one of the many reasons we are admonished to “forsake not the assembling of ourselves”. Also, we are to bear the burdens of fellow believers in love and with compassion just as Christ has done for us. May we never underestimate trials and tests.