Praying this letter finds you and your family well, and hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas time.
By God’s amazing grace, we are doing well. Eloiza, Baby Aquila, and I are healthy and in a great condition and we thank God for that!
As we all end this year 2022, we lift up our hands praising and thanking God for what He has done in our family and in the ministry that He entrusted us. Though this year has been undeniably a tough one, we can also attest to the fact that God’s been good and gracious, and has blessed us tremendously.
We had a wonderful Christmas time together with my family, and will be celebrating New Year together with my wife’s family.
As we all come to a new chapter this year 2023, I would like to encourage and challenge you to work continually in the Lord’s vineyard untiringly and unselfishly, and steadfastly serve Him faithfully.
“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12
We are excited and looking forward for this upcoming year on what God has in store for us and the ministry in the Island of Marinduque.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We love you all!