2 Chronicles 20:7 and James 2:23 both state that Abraham was a “ friend of God”. Genesis 5:22 and 5:24 say that Enoch “walked with God”. Genesis 6:9 says that Noah “walked with God”. How did these 3 men ( and many others ) establish this type of reputation of intimacy with Jehovah? Abraham will be used for this study. However, the same principles apply to any person who was, is or wants to be a friend of God and walk with Him.
Abram (whose name was later changed to Abraham by God in Genesis 17:5) at age 75 years old, was called by God to leave his family at Haran and go to a land that God would show him (Genesis 12:1). In Genesis 12:2, we see God's promises of four blessings that Abram would receive for obedience. Abram obeyed(Genesis :4-9 ) and eventually the Lord God’s promises became reality. Abram and his offspring became a great nation. He became blessed with great wealth. Abram's (Abraham's) name became famous and all the families of the Earth are blessed because of him.
Abram was a prosperous man. Genesis 13:2 says that he was very rich in cattle, silver and gold. Also, those who were with him became wealthy such as his nephew Lot, who amassed much wealth in flocks and herds. God said that he would bless those who blessed Abram ( Genesis 12:3 ). Eventually, the flocks and herds of Lot and Abram increased to a size that the land could not sustain all of them in one area. So Abram suggested to Lot that they separate into different areas and Abram gave Lot first choice ( Genesis 13: 8,9 ).
Lot's choice was the fertile plains of Jordan to the east which included the ungodly cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Now his cattle would flourish while he and his family would live in the city of Sodom instead of tents. Life was very good for Lot and his family... for a while (Genesis 13:10,11).
Abram (Abraham) was in Canaan when God spoke to him again saying that all the land that he could see in any direction is now given to him by God. So Abram moved his possessions to the plains of Mamre which is in Hebron ( Gen. 13:18) and here Jehovah continued to bless Abram.
Abram (Abraham) was a promised man. The Lord God spoke to Abram many times making many promises for Abram's benefit. Not only the ones listed previously, but also for his posterity ( Gen. 12:7; 13:7; 15:5;17:1-6). The Lord God also ratified (sealed) his promises to Abram (Abraham) with a blood covenant in Genesis 15:9-21 which is known as the Abrahamic Covenant. Next, God changed the names of Abram and his wife Sarai to Abraham and Sarah ( Gen 17:5 and 17:15) which further enhanced the promises of God due to the Hebrew custom of name definitions.
Abraham was a perceptive man. Genesis 18:1 states that the Lord appeared unto Abraham in the heat of the day. How do we know that one of the three men approaching Abraham was deity? Imagine yourself in the sandals of Abraham that day.
First(vs.4), Abraham was where he was supposed to be; the plains of Mamre. Also, as a wealthy senior citizen, he had servants and herdsmen to oversee his possessions by his directives.
Second (vs.2), when he looked up he saw three men approaching. When he saw them, he ran to meet them and bowed himself to the ground. As a man of his status, it would be unthinkable in that culture to abase himself in that manner.
Third (vs 3), Abraham addressed one of the men as "my Lord" and he displayed great hospitality toward his visitors. Also, the Bible in 18:13 says “and the Lord said unto Abraham..." this is known as a Christophany which is a physical appearance of Jesus the Christ before or after his life on Earth. The Supreme God in whom Abraham had placed all of his faith and hope had now developed a personal one-on-one relationship with him.
Abraham was also a praying man. Genesis 18:22-33 tells us about Abraham's great prayer of intercession for the sake of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those two cities were known for their total depravity and exceedingly great sin. Remember that Lot, Abraham's nephew, had moved into Sodom. Lot was now in jeopardy of being destroyed along with his family and possessions for living in that sinful culture. Fortunately, Lot and his children were saved out of the total destructive judgment of God on Sodom and Gomorrah, but his wife died because of longing to remain in that sinful city (Gen.19:26).
It is interesting to note that more than 1900 years after Abraham, apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:18-32 about sin and depravity that would bring judgment and spiritual death upon the ungodly and also on those who agree with or consent to these sins (vs.32).
Therefore, it is imperative that we intercede in prayer not only for those who have not submitted to Jesus Christ for spiritual rebirth, but also for those who condone and support unrighteousness. Jesus said that "the fields are white already to harvest" (John 4:35). James said in James 5:16 that " the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much". Prayer is not bending God's will to match our will. It is it is bending our will to match His. How could Abraham accomplish so much? Why would the Lord God be so gracious to one man? It was because of Abraham's faith in The Lord God Jehovah ( Genesis 15:16 and Hebrews 11:8-19). Abraham was a friend of God!